Karr Tuttle Campbell - Member of the Law Firm Alliance

Law Firm Alliance

law firm alliance logoKarr Tuttle Campbell is a member of the Law Firm Alliance (“LFA”). A leading global network of law firms worldwide. LFA’s goal is to provide clients of member firms with access to reputable legal counsel in 18 countries. Since its establishment in 2000, membership has grown to 50 law firms with over 2,000 lawyers practicing throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia.

LFA is highly selective with its membership. Only one law firm per jurisdiction is considered for the invitation-only offer to participate. Following a thorough vetting including peer and client recommendations, service offerings, and ethical standing. Prerequisites for member firms to be deemed member candidates include, legal service capabilities in a full range of legal areas, the maintenance of substantial corporate and litigation practices, and an outward display of commitment to client service of the highest level.

Due to this extensive membership review and deliberation process, clients of member firms such as Karr Tuttle Campbell, can be confident they have chosen a top-rated law firm in a particular geographical region. Through LFA relationships, clients of member law firms have access to this preeminent level of legal services in every jurisdiction for which LFA members firms are based.

For questions about LFA and Karr Tuttle Campbell’s law firm network, please contact Stephen S. McKay.

KTC attorneys are licensed to practice in the following U.S. jurisdictions:



