Bruce Leaverton is a shareholder at Karr Tuttle Campbell, and represents clients in a broad array of insolvency, banking, loan enforcement and other financial restructuring matters. Bruce represents clients in litigation and administrative matters concerning financial issues including loan enforcement, inter-creditor disputes and investigative and enforcement proceedings by government regulatory agencies. He also counsels institutional lenders in secured loan and workout matters.
“Best Lawyers” named him “Lawyer of the Year” in the practice areas of Banking/Finance (2011), Bankruptcy Litigation (2015) and Bankruptcy and Creditor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law in Seattle (2016).
Bruce’s extensive experience representing corporate borrowers informs his strategy representing lenders, having worked both sides of the issue.
Chambers USA’s Guide to America’s Leading Lawyers for Business has listed Bruce as a “Leading Lawyer,” describing him as “Ten out of ten. He is a leader – the conductor of the orchestra. He brings everyone together to draw a resolution.”
Presentations & Publications
- Author, “Dr. Colleen Delaney and Fred Hutch: Bringing Cord Stem Cell Discoveries to the Marketplace,” Seattle Business, (March 3, 2016)