Overview On July 25, 2024, the Washington Supreme Court held in Suarez v. State that an employer denying an employee’s…
A trademark can consist of words, phrases, symbols, sounds, logos, or even colors that tell the public that this product comes from your business. A federally registered trademark can provide valuable benefits. We will work with you to determine if trademark registration would be the right step for you and can help with all necessary documentation and filing.
Getting Value from Your Trademark
The first value that a trademark has for most businesses is helping set that business apart from the competition. A strong logo, symbol, or other type of trademark can create instant recognition with users of your product or service. We will be happy to discuss licensing and other opportunities to gain value from your trademark.
Protecting Your Trademark
Because of their value to businesses, trademarks are a frequent subject of litigation. You might find that one of your competitors is engaging in trademark infringement. Or you might be accused of stealing another company’s trademark. We are here to protect you. Our trademark litigation team will aggressively protect the interests of your business.