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Tracy Miller and Elizabeth Rasmussen to speak at NBI Seminar on Washington Special Education Law

The National Business Institute (NBI) will hold a seminar on Special Education Law in Washington on December 11, in which Karr Tuttle Campbell attorneys Tracy Miller and Elizabeth Rasmussen will be speaking. Ms. Miller and Ms. Rasmussen will address “Ensuring Successful Due Process Procedures” and “Ethics in Special Education Law.” Within these presentations they will discuss topics such as mediation, impartiality in due process, avoiding litigation, confidentiality, conflicts of interest and acting in the best interest of the child. Other topics to be addressed at this seminar are “Establishing the Framework of Special Education Law,” “Unraveling the Requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),” “Protecting the Rights of Children with Special Needs,” and “Successfully Handling Disciplinary Actions for Special Needs Students.”

Ms. Miller has nearly 20 years of experience advising and representing public school districts and private schools in all aspects of their operations, including but not limited to governance issues, special education, student discipline, civil rights, public records, open public meetings, and classified and certificated employment. She also advises and represents public and private employers in all aspects of their employment relationships. This includes everything from development and review of employment policies, providing nondiscrimination trainings, investigating employment-related claims, advising clients about specific employment related issues that arise, to all aspects of litigation in state and federal courts and administrative agencies.

Ms. Rasmussen advises and represents public and private employers in all facets of employment law, including employer policies and handbooks, employment contracts and severance agreements, and investigation and litigation of claims. She advises and represents public school districts and private schools in all areas of their operations, such as special education, Washington’s Public Records Act, FERPA, employee discharge and discipline, wage and hour and school handbooks and policies, among others.

The seminar will be held on December 11, 2014 at the Westin Hotel in Seattle. NBI offers video webcasts and teleconferencing in conjunction with this seminar. To register for this seminar or to learn more about NBI, visit their website.