Underground Subway Station Seattle


KTC School Attorneys Host Private School Workshop on the Fair Labor Standards Act

Avoiding overtime liability
Basics of the salary basis test
Classifying employees correctly

On the morning of Thursday, April 26, 2018, KTC School attorneys Tracy Miller and Celeste Monroe return with part-three of their Private School Client Workshop series, “The ABCs of the Fair Labor Standards Act ‘Exemptions.’” The program will consist of an in-depth review of the Fair Labor Standards Act and Washington State laws that govern overtime pay in schools. The workshop will be broken down into two ninety-minute segments, each including a lecture and practice component, to assist school administrators, business managers, and human resource professionals in understanding and implementing the requirements of Federal and State wage and hour laws and the “white collar” exemptions from these laws’ overtime pay requirements.

During the workshop you can expect to learn:

  • When overtime pay is required under Federal (FLSA) and State laws and regulations
  • How to classify employees properly as either subject to (non-exempt) or exempt from these requirements using the “job duties” test
  • What the “salary basis” test is and acceptable pay practices to preserve exempt status
  • Classifying dual function employees
  • Special rules that apply in schools

Let the school attorneys at KTC set the groundwork for you to make informed decisions and provide some real life scenarios for you to practice what you learn.

*Due to limited space, we ask that each school send no more than two representatives.

When: Where:
Thursday, April 26, 2018 Karr Tuttle Campbell
Breakfast served at 7:45 am 701 Fifth Avenue Floor 33
Presentation from 8:00-11:00 am Seattle, WA 98104

Admission is FREE.  Continental breakfast will be provided.

If you are interested in attending the workshop, please contact Jessica Hales, Marketing Coordinator, for registration details.

June 2018 – Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, and Investigations