Underground Subway Station Seattle


Karr Tuttle Campbell Sponsors Seattle Angel Fund Speaker Series

New Year. New Investment Opportunities. Let 2017 be the year you expand your networking and investment skills, all the while staying in the know about trending technologies!

Karr Tuttle Campbell has teamed up with the Seattle Angel Fund to host the bi-monthly Seattle Angel Fund Speaker Series – a program designed for investors seeking to identify promising new technologies and business models, while also seeking to improve their investment skills, networks, and deal flow.

Bi-monthly programs will feature researchers and technologists from universities, research institutions and technology startups who can explain new technologies, along with leading investors and CEOs who can speak to business models and barriers to entry.

On the evening of January 24th, the Seattle Angel Fund Speaker Series will host its kick-off event, “Becoming and Being an Effective Board Member,” with presentations from Doug Brown, Dan Kranzler and Jack Davidson (check out their bios here!).

Start the year off right – join us for appetizers, drinks and investment wisdom from local experts! Interested in attending? Contact Jessica Hales for registration details.

Karr Tuttle Campbell is a full-service law firm based in Seattle. We are committed to the cost-effective and aggressive management of clients’ business assets. We are one of the oldest law firms in the area, having served the Northwest since 1904. More information about the firm can be obtained through Jessica Hales, (206) 224-8146, or by visiting the firm’s website at karrtuttle.com.