Underground Subway Station Seattle


Celeste Monroe and Tracy Miller Host 3 Hour Private School Seminar

On the morning of Thursday, June 22, KTC Attorneys Celeste Monroe and Tracy Miller team up together to host a free three-hour overview of critical issues for private school administrators. This program will clarify the myriad of regulations and laws that directly impact private schools and provide an outline of best practices in the areas of governance, student admissions and accommodations, and faculty/staff management.

Event Agenda and Topics
8:00-8:40 am – Governance
– Board Relations
– Non-Profit Tax Issues
– Conveying School Policies/Employee Handbooks

8:40-9:40 am – Student Admissions/Accommodations
– Enrollment Contracts
– Disability Accommodation
– Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

9:55-11:00 am – Personnel Issues
– Proper Payment of Wages
– Leave and Accommodation Issues
– Performance Management

Location: The Columbia Tower, downtown Seattle
When: Thursday, June 22, 2017
*Continental Breakfast will be served at 7:50 am and the presentation will be 8am-11am with a short break in between sessions.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Jessica Hales, Marketing Coordinator, for registration details. Space is limited!